The Hombre Mundo 2017 project was implemented by 8 NGOs from EU countries (Czech Republic, Italy, Ireland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania) and EU partner countries (Serbia and Macedonia). The name of the project Hombre Mundo means a person of global dimension and refers to the attitude of young people, their creativity and their desire to renew society through volunteering.The common experience of all participants is that volunteering brings positive benefits for both the volunteers themselves and the person or community being helped.

The main objective of this project was to promote and increase volunteering among the young participants, to build a network of volunteers from the 120 participants who took part in this project, to present and share the successful volunteer project carried out by the participating partners and to use the experience of international volunteer camps organized in Serbia, Czech Republic and Bulgaria.

The project partners were:

Nové Ľudstvo (Slovakia), Associazione Progetto Ragazzi per l'unita (Italy), Sunmill (Bulgaria), Sonce (Macedonia), Nikola Kopilovic (Serbia), Asociatia Opera preasfintei Maria (Romania), Focolare Trust (Ireland).

The project was implemented with the financial support of the Erasmus+ program, key action KA105 Youth Mobility

Project number: 2017-1-CZ01-KA105-035238

Flashmob on the Charles Bridge