What is it about?

Sum­merJ­ob is a vol­un­teer pro­ject in vil­la­ges and small towns in the Czech bor­der re­gion. Every year, 150 young vol­un­teers help the lo­cal res­id­ents dur­ing one week. For the first three years, we were act­ive in the Ma­nětín re­gion in the Plzeň Re­gion, then for an­oth­er three years in the Brou­mov re­gion in the Královéhradecký Re­gion, and then in the Je­seník re­gion in the Olomouc Re­gion. In 2022, we suc­cess­fully com­pleted our pro­ject in the No­vo­hrad­ské Moun­tains in south­ern Bohemia. This year, we are ex­plor­ing the north of Bohemia, specif­ic­ally the Šluknovský pro­mont­ory.

We help with self­less work in house­holds, at home, or in the garden, whatever is needed at the time. By build­ing re­la­tion­ships with people, through dia­logue and cul­tur­al pro­grammes for the pub­lic, we con­trib­ute to a pos­it­ive change in the at­mo­sphere of these places.

Sum­merJ­ob gives work a new di­men­sion and is proof that work­ing without any pay is pos­sible in today's world. What leads us to such a de­cision? The de­sire for a vi­brant com­munity rooted in Chris­ti­an val­ues."

For more in­form­a­tion, please visit:

How are you preparing? / SUMMERJOB 2021